
Models of structured populations – with R.D. Holt and M. Barfield, Department of Biology, University of Florida
We have developed both deterministic recursion models and stochastic individual-based model simulations for various kinds of structured populations. Recent work includes nested models of pathogens within hosts, and stage-structured populations with both sexual and clonal reproduction. Ongoing work considers the effects of spatial structure on adaptation in populations with both sexual and clonal reproduction.
Recent Papers
Orive, M.E., R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. (2018) Evolutionary rescue in a linearly changing environment: Limits on predictability. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology,, M.E., M. Barfield, C. Fernandez, and R.D. Holt. (2017) Effects of clonal reproduction on evolutionary lag and evolutionary rescue. American Naturalist
Barfield, M., M.E. Orive, and R.D. Holt. (2015) The role of pathogen shedding in linking within- and between-host pathogen dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences, 270:249-262.

Nested models of multi-host pathogen systems – with F.B. Agusto, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, and M.C.A. Leite, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of South Florida
We are examining the importance of between-level feedbacks (within-host vs. between-host) in a two-host single-pathogen system using the important example of the malaria parasite and its human and mosquito hosts. We are extending this model to other nested multi-host systems, including a virus system with three hosts (West Nile virus).
Recent Paper
Agusto, F.B., M.C.A. Leite, and M.E. Orive. (2019) The transmission dynamics of a within- and between-hosts malaria model. Ecological Complexity 38:31-55,